Data visualizations, whether small and concise as found on Skagit County Trends, or others telling a much larger story, are ways of organizing and presenting data so it’s easier to understand.
This web page is dedicated to archiving a variety of data visualizations, most automatically updating. So each time you have a look, they'll likely to have changed. If we notice something, we'll be sure to mention it in a blog update. All the data visualization were specifically chosen because they are relevant, and most importantly, include local information.
Current Visualizations:
Occupations In Demand / In Decline
- Interactive map of WA counties
- In demand, balanced, and not in demand
- Hundreds of occupations offered
Unemployment Insurance Initial Claims Weekly Dashboard
- State and county for 2019 and 2020 YTD
- By supersector or industry sector 3-digit NAICS
- Author: Jeff Robinson, Washington State Employment Security Department
Share of Baby Boomer Owned Businesses
- Interactive map of WA counties
- Total, employees, payroll & sales
- For 11 industry sectors
COVID-19 Vulnerability of Cities in Washington State
- Totals: ages 65+, disabled, and type of insurance
- Shares: diabetics, smokers, HIV, and obese
- Author: Association of Washington Cities